
OT: martin vs Jordan vs Feist vs...

Wed May 12 08:44:07 PDT 2004

On Wed, 12 May 2004, Joshua Kronengold wrote:

> Dennis Higbee writes:
> >As far as Martin v. Jordan goes, I'm not sure what you mean by "tinker 
> >with the formula."  Jordan's not formulaic.  Someone like Feist is 
> >formulaic; he tells the same story over and over.
> Is he?  I'm annoyed by Feist because he's a mediocre writer, because
> he stole (through a third party, but who cares?) outrageously from
> M. A. Barker (and never admitted it), and because cutting Magician
> where they did for the paperback edition was a crime against humanity,
> but I wouldn't say that, say, Magician was particularly similar to
> Mistress of the Empire, or that either was similar in any way to
> Faerie Tale. 

But now he's well into his third Riftwar, and the last series at least had 
the same bad guys as the first series and THE KING'S BUCANEER.  There 
are better examples of this than Feist, though.  I should have used the 
example that first popped into my head, the Xanth books by Anthony.  Those 
books are a textbook formula.
