There have been instances where Vlad was not sure what house a Dragaeran was from. Is that because he's a human? Are Dragaerans also unsure? There are also mixed race Dragaerans. I'm curious. Morrolan has accepted Vlad as someone who can teach him magic. But it appears that The Lord of Castle Black has spent much more time studying Western style magic than one human lifetime. It's not that he's dumb nor unwilling to learn - it just is not that easy to swich how he thinks. Dragaerans seem to be pretty conservative. How else could you explain their extremely slow rate of progress over their centuries of existence? This is obvious in how slowly they accept different magical technologies. It took the Interregnum to make sorcery a part of upper class Dragaeran life (and after it is accepted, Paarfi seems to think it always was there - similar to renasaince painters putting star of David's on the clothing of Mary and Joseph). Also there are at least two alternative "magical" sciences that are only practiced by a handful of Dragaerans. It's not that they don't like studying - one can be persuaded to betray his liege by a promise of a trapped soul to experiment with. But they seem to have a hard time switching to something different. (So why haven't humans developed in the thousands of years? I expect we will find out before Steve is done.)