
From Neil Gaiman's journal

Gomi no Sensei gomi at speakeasy.net
Tue Jun 1 16:08:42 PDT 2004

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Jerry Friedman wrote:

> > some *never* will i think (neuromancer anyone?).
> I'll take some, but much as I like that book, I thought it felt dated
> within a few years.  All those people wearing black, the Asiophilia,
> the references to '70s music--by 1990 I felt like it was trapped in
> the '80s.

This is something my wife and I giggle about when we pull out the old
Cyberpunk 2020 RPG books -- remember back when Japan was the economic
powerhouse that was going to take us all over? Positively retro.


<TomF> hardware is what we call a collective noun, like semen.