
Monty Haul Syndrome?

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Jun 3 15:50:13 PDT 2004

"Scott Schultz" wrote:
> If the Taltos cycle was viewed as a series of RPG sessions, I'd be starting
> to look a bit aghast at the game master. 

With some authors, I may worry about this idea.
With Brust, I just don't see it happening. 
Two reasons (out of many:):

1. We don't know enough about the various strands that
can be pulled.  The J alone are an unknown factor,
but there are others.  Steve has always been able to
pull a dagger out of his hat--I'm confident he'll continue
to do so.

2. Steve writes using the Cool Theory of Literature.  As
long as he continues to do so, and as long as we agree
with him on what is cool, his work will not degrade into
banal Super-Heroism.

In short, I trust Steve's work, and can't imagine him
tripping into the pitfalls of Monty Haulism.  It just
ain't gonna happen.

"I would rather go honestly to Hell, admitting that I leaped
knowingly into error and folly, than enter into the sweetest 
Heaven men can dream of by whining that I had been pushed."
	- _Freedom and Necessity_ - Brust & Bull