
If I were the Demon... (fwd)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Jun 4 11:12:18 PDT 2004

> Trevor wrote::
> Actually, I think it is. I'm trying to recall the
> incident where Vlad nailed the stoolie at his
> mistress's. Now, I can't recall if he couldn't hit him
> at home because he was hiding under impersial
> protection or because of the rules. 
> Could someone enlighten me?

I believe it was: You can't nail a guy at his house,
or when his family is around, but there's no rule
that says you can't nail a guy at his mistress's.

And I believe Krager and Vlad agreed that Vlad
"broke the rules" first when he busted in on some
Jhereg's flat and threatened him. 

Of course, the Jhereg will have to find out about
LT before they can make plans to work around her,
and that means someone will have to be alive,
after making a hit on Vlad, to tell the Demon or
whomever.  It might take them a few tries before
they even learn about her.


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about it which the cheering influence of the
afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected 
to reproduce."
 ~ Oliver Wedell Holmes, Sr. - "Over the Teacups" (1891)