
Trivia Question #2 (Orca Spoiler)

Mon Jun 14 09:54:45 PDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Griffin [mailto:umbraenoctis at hotmail.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:19 AM
> To: dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: Trivia Question #2 (Orca Spoiler)
> Orca Spoiler
> *
> *
> *
> In Taltos, Kiera promises Vlad that if he dies at Castle 
> Black or Dzur Mtn. 
> "Morrolloan won't survive the month." (or words to that 
> effect.) What I'm wondering is, how would K/S make that 
> happen? 

I'd have to agree with the folks who say it's a rhetorical question. Sethra
knew ahead of time that Vlad was safe in accepting the offer (insofar as he
didn't deliberately antagonize a Dragonlord or an Enchantress as he nearly
did several times). Kiera's promise was just a case of Kiera being Kiera. 

However, let's play "what if" and assume that Morrolan is a real jerk. Once
Aliera is recovered and they exit the Paths, Morollan makes some snide
remarks about Jhereg, Vlad returns tit for tat, and Morollan skewers him
with Blackwand. Kiera now has a debt of honor.

The question becomes one of "how big of a roleplayer is Sethra really?".
She's "never cheated" but that doesn't mean that she views Kiera as a
distinct personality. How much investment does Sethra actually have in
promises that are made by Kiera? Maybe Kiera would feel duty bound to keep
her promise. Given the availability of revivification, Sethra might even be
able to live with the idea as long as nothing permanent was done to
Morrolan. To paraphrase Vlad, one of the good reasons to NOT permanently
shine someone is to send them the message "You're getting too big for your
britches, but you're not worth the trouble of putting you away permanently.
Yet." Sort of an extreme version of the dagger on the pillow trick.

Kiera is a thief, not an assassin. If she wanted someone put away, she'd go
through proper channels and probably hire Mario for the job assuming that
he's actually real. I feel safe in assuming that she has those sorts of
connections. Certainly, though, she would make sure to leave Morrolan a
reminder of some kind so that he'd know exactly WHY he was shined. Sethra
might even have something to say about diplomacy and/or manners later, if
only to the extent of shaming/mollifying Morollan into not starting another
Dragon/Jhereg war.