
Aliera & Kiera

Thu Jun 17 13:39:41 PDT 2004

--- Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote:
> >What if S_____ happened to legitimately borrow the
> blue gem 
> >from Aliera, and then use it as "Kiera"? Kiera of
> course, 
> >being in "character" would say she picked it form
> Aliera's pocket?  
> Quite possibly. In that case, though, why even
> mention it except maybe to
> impress Cawti with how clever she was to think of
> checking for Elder
> Sorcery? Kiera doesn't strike me as the sort how
> worries about whether her
> friends think she's clever. I'd guess it's just
> straightforward reporting of
> the facts.
> The other reason I could see against that idea is
> the claim that Kiera
> "never cheated". That is, Kiera used only her own
> abilities and resources.
> If S------- borrowed something from Aliera then, by
> all rights, Kiera could
> not have that thing unless she literally stole it
> from S-------. 

I was thinking something similar to the top comment. 
It seems entirely possible that Aliera does not want
to be associated with Kiera.  When reporting that she
checked for elder sorcery, Kiera could have explained
the blue gem by saying she "picked Aliera's pocket"
instead of saying she borrowed it.  It would be
entirely in character for Kiera to lie about how she
acquired something in order to protect a

The reason for bringing this up in conversation at all
could still be exactly what you suggest -- straight
reporting of facts.  It works as long as you are
looking at it as Kiera reporting the facts of exactly
what she did during the rifling of that office, but
will allow her to fudge how she acquired one of her
tools.  After all, what in the world would Kiera be
doing with such an item if she didn't get it from
someone like Aliera?  She has to explain having it
somehow.  And if Aliera does not wanted to be
associated with her as a "friend" then it would make
sense for Kiera to lie about how she got the gem.

As for Aliera giving Sethra the gem and then Kiera
using it, I am entirely in agreement that it would be
cheating and is therefore unlikely.


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