
Changing backgrounds?

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Mon Jun 21 10:43:40 PDT 2004

Steve said in his weblog:
The book has picked up nicely in the last few days.  It
seems, however, that instead of being TIASSA, it has decided that
it wants to be DZUR.  Well, who am I to argue?  We'll see if
it changes it's mind again.

It's interesting - I have been curious how much he designed a book to fit  
in which race he wanted to write about, and how much was the long term  
plot he wanted to write about.

Of course the short term can always take over (temporarily).  Maybe he had  
in the back of his mind a DZUR plot and a TIASSA plot, and hit a bit of  
story that made him change his mind.

It will be fun to read the book and try to figure out what was working  
well for a TIASSA plot.

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