I know that the Dragaerans seem to live slowly - and act like kids at what are for humans advanced ages. They even don't have kids being as impatient for their parents to get out of their way as we see princes and other powerful kids have in human history, despite their time frames. But Sethra is old by their standards. She needed something to keep her interested. What about gods? They live in a different time frame, but still, do they get bored? I have a hard time imagining living a thousand years, much less as long as they do. *************************** But remember, part of being a god is the ability (or curse?) of existing on multiple planes of existance at once. I imagine that multitasking your pesronality, as Verra does on several occasions on a single plane of reality, would go a long way to prevent boredom. Jeff _________________________________________________________________ >From will you? to I do, MSN Life Events is your resource for Getting Married. http://lifeevents.msn.com/category.aspx?cid=married