
Neal Gaiman and _Death and Me_

Wed Jul 28 07:38:31 PDT 2004

>Johne Cook writes:
>   Author Neil Gaiman told SCI FI Wire that New Line Cinema is set to 
>   the film based on his graphic novel Death: The High Cost of Living.
>Another link he posted on his journal said that he was "in talks" to
>direct.  Now i want to see Neil direct the "Taltos" movie.

...starring Johnny Depp!  (grin, duck, and run)

>(hey, is the subject a king crimson reference?)

I wish I would have known that, as I'm a huge Prog Rock fan, but I confess 
it's unintended.  Revealing this mitigates my Prog Cred somewhat, but 
intensifies the worth of my Integrity XP, which may be an even swap.

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