
RPG advice?

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue Aug 10 17:50:48 PDT 2004

Peter H. Granzeau wrote:
> At 11:11 08/10/2004 -0600, Howard Brazee wrote:
>> I recently started reading Elizabeth Moon (she's going to be
>> MileHiCon GOH), and when I found her first book, was disapointed to
>> see that trilogy was in a basic D&D world.  She got more creative
>> since then.
> Why would you have gone all the way back and read her first books?
> Were you _looking_ for something to hate?

I wanted to become familiar with her works, saw a 3-in-one big paperback
that had favorable blurbs.  Her prose is decent, her characterizations good,
I just was a bit irritated about the D&D setting.

In her Space Opera she explored what immorality drugs can do to families and
succession.  I hope MileHiCon can get her in a panel with Wil McCarthy about
this topic, which he explores in more depth.

I have re-read Steve's first books and liked them very much.