
If you like Robert Jordan

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Mon Aug 16 14:44:02 PDT 2004

In a message dated 8/15/2004 8:46:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Howard Brazee" <howard at brazee.net> writes:

>Then Borders recommends
>Robin Hobb
>David Farlkand
>Steven Brust

This is a Good Thing.  Jordan sells a lot of books (and there
isn't anything really wrong with that), and reccomending Brust
to his fans should help Brust's sales (and that's Definitely a
Good Thing).

Amazon does something very similar, which led to me trying
Jim Butcher, whose novels are more similar to the Vlad books
than anything else I've seen.

> I saw the above sign at Borders.   It seems like an odd 
> relationship.  I don't expect to read a 2nd Jordan book, may 
> read a second Hobb book, and am unlikely to read any Farkland 
> book at all.

The last time this came up, I mentioned that I first heard about
Brust from the folks at rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan .
Which Hobb book did you read?  Her Farseer and Liveship 
trilogies are noticably different in tone and viewpoint.
Assuming you're mispelling Farland, what I've heard of him is
that he had some good ideas, but poor execution and lame ending.
