
Vlad and the Orb

Tue Aug 24 07:02:35 PDT 2004

David Silberstein wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Timothy Nelson wrote:
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "David Silberstein"
>>>But remember, they have access to an (alleged) lie detector.  All
>>>the Teckla has to do to verify his alibi is state it under the Orb.
>>Can we afford to assume that the orb is used on anything less
>>important than the trial of a noble? I imagine the Orb cannot be
>>available for every trial.
> Well, they probably do indeed have high and low justice, and the
> Empress probably cannot be bothered for *everything*.  But I would
> imagine that in capital cases, at least, even Teckla would be put
> under the Orb so as to ascertain guilt (or lack of guilt).
> I have capital cases particularly in mind since that is what Vlad's
> trial is.

What makes Vlad's trial get the Imperial attention it does is that he 
allegedly killed a Duke of the Jhereg, and when peers get murdered, the 
Orb and trials get involved. I think he mentions it at some point, 
although I searched for every instance of the word Duke in the book 
search and can't seem to locate the right (Vladiad) book. Unlike in the 
Paarfiad, there aren't too many Dukes mentioned in the Vladiad and 
Tagichatn is one of them. Mellar, they weren't sure if he was a Count or 
a Duke, the Dzurlord in Jhereg was a Duke, and Paresh in Teckla refers 
to a Duke twice! Time for a mass re-read, to see if I can spot it.

Jose Marquez            \  Cthulhu 2004
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