
Morrolan at Blood River

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Sun Aug 29 13:12:14 PDT 2004


I cannot seem to find a description of Tazendra's staff.  Is there 
an actual description available?

Also about Morrolan at Blood River in Book of Taltos, Taltos page 
100 Chapter 10, keep in your mind that Vlad's memory is being 
played with in Taltos.

"Sethra" Morrolan said.  Vlad blinks.  

>From Dragon, paperback page 15 near beginning of Chapter 1

Vlad says "As you approach the Falls, do you remember there being 
a large statue."  Loiosh says "Sure, Boss where Morrolan performed
that embarrassing ritual.  What about it?"

The Paths of the Dead paperback Chapter 29 page 319

"larger-than-life sculpture of a man"..."Kieron the Conqueror"

Hopefully, Steven Brust will reveal sometime why Vlad's memory 
was messed with.  Until then, all I have is wild speculation based 
on sometimes a sentence or two and sometimes just a three-letter 


Linda G.