
Magic versus technology

Thu Sep 30 10:09:48 PDT 2004

paul wrote:
> I found myself wondering why the world of Dragaera has not developed some of
> the simple technologies we have. Guns for example. Especially considering
> how long each Dragearan has to develop various talents and knowledge.
> Something about their slower development could explain some of this, but
> surely, after a few thousand years, someone has figured out a fantastic use
> for gun powder that allows the common Teckla an equal footing with a bad ass
> Dragon wielding only a sword. Being an alternate universe (if that is even
> the case), physics don't allow the same technology? I realize the reason for
> this incongruity might simply be that the author is human, and didn't think
> about it, or care...but finding a "logical" explanation allows me to carry
> things out to new conclusions.
> For instance, say that the use of magic so completely covers the things we
> non-magic users would need technology for, that there has been no need for
> Dragaera inhabitants to cultivate it. Teleportation covers automobiles;
> psionic communication is the telephone, etc. In a far far distant future,
> might we find a Dragaera that is reversed? Sci-fi cities of floating cars
> and space travel, with jhereg circling overhead. Magic is diminished now,
> perhaps the seas of chaos are not so accessible.
> It just occurred to me that maybe the Jenoine, or the gods have something to
> do with it. Anyway, thought it was an interesting mind game. If this has
> been done to death already, my apologies. Stay cool, all.

Well, part of the reason that, say, guns haven't been introduced is a 
meta one: Steve writes what he thinks is cool. People fighting with 
swords and sorcery is cooler than shooting each other. Another part of 
the reason you address yourself: sorcery can effectively cover for 
technology in the Dragaeran context. Thus, instead of guns, we have 
flashstones, or energy blasts, or even more subtle ways of killing a 
person (or even a group of people) using sorcery. There are also 
mystical reasons: technology that would give Teckla equal footing with 
Dragons would essentially either work in or around a Teckla 
reign/republic or once the Cycle has been broken in a way that nullifies 
the mystical (Cyclical) forces that more or less determine a House's 

Most of this is pararectal, though, so feel free to fill in the leaps 
and gaps in logic/facts that I may have created. I know we've mentioned 
technology before, but I'm feeling lazy and don't want to research the 
exact reason Steve gave regarding the guns/technology issue.

Jose Marquez            \  Cthulhu 2004
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