Paul wrote: >>I found myself wondering why the world of Dragaera has not developed some of the simple technologies we have. Guns for example. Especially considering how long each Dragearan has to develop various talents and knowledge. Something about their slower development could explain some of this, but surely, after a few thousand years, someone has figured out a fantastic use for gun powder that allows the common Teckla an equal footing with a bad ass Dragon wielding only a sword. Being an alternate universe (if that is even the case), physics don't allow the same technology? I realize the reason for this incongruity might simply be that the author is human, and didn't think about it, or care...but finding a "logical" explanation allows me to carry things out to new conclusions.<< I have always figured that simple is good. So.... With the easy availability of various types of magic - and the resultant ability to cause a spark at long ranges... See how easy it is to explain why gunpowder, if it known about, isn't considered a particularly viable option? This ignores all the fun questions of where the Tekla would learn about and then how to use gunpowder, how guns would have evolved, etc. David