
First Sentence competition? WAS RE: How to write an epic fantasy best seller

Michele Riccio mr1 at rcosta.com
Fri Oct 15 13:18:12 PDT 2004

On 14 Oct 2004 at 15:34, Jeff G. wrote

> (here is a starter for ya. . . . .)
> His Imperial Majesty Roddrick B'laine; son of Edward son of Uther;
> Lord Protector of the 17 Realms, Champion of the Weak and Downtrodden
> stood upon the westernmost edge of the unyielding granite tower of
> Griffindell, his eyes shimmering like the sun on the waves of the
> merciless C'ficap Sea; named for the one man to sail across and return
> alive,  clenched the fist that had wielded the dread sword Heklor
> Koch, slayer of countless foes and enemies; and cast his fell gaze
> upon the land of Medlir, the land of such unquenchable evil that it
> had spawned the fearsome Urck-Argh, killer of the North, as well as
> the terror only known as Darcniss, the most lethal assassin born,
> whose unstoppable reign of death had claimed his beloved wife
> Elindara, the half eleven Queen of Tolwais, and mother of his only
> child Jarrick, the scion of the Blaine line, less than a fortnight
> before, proving that he could strike in the heart of the Realm, and
> destroy that which Roddrick held dearest to his heart, while he was
> powerless to avenge her vicious slaying due to the Treaty of Gilneadom
> that ended the centuries old struggle between the two nations, signed
> on the same night the deadly killer struck the mortal blow to his lady
> love only an arms reach away and seconds before Roddricks pen touched
> the paper, wounding him in the most dehabilitaing manner, far worse
> than his own death could have ever done.

Would have replied sooner - but I just finished the epic sentence.  
Do you think you could diagram that for me?  ;-)

Michele Riccio
mr1 at rcosta.com