
Culture (was Architecture...)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Tue Oct 26 10:26:03 PDT 2004

Mr Brust said:
> Once Man has achieved a sufficient level of culture (ie, technology) so
> that conflict with nature is no longer pressing (or, to be precise, when
> we can produce plenty for everyone) the opportunity exists for several
> things to happen: An end to class conflict; an end to conflict between
> societies, and discussions of how we're really part of nature and
> shouldn't consider ourselves in conflict with it.

<le sigh>  Of course, the opportunity existing doesn't
mean it will come into existence.  I guess one out of
three isn't *too* bad, but couldn't we choose one of
the others?

> Recommended reading: _Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the
> State_ by Frederich Engels.

Oh, sure.  Add another to my list. <grin>

> Other than the instinct to survive, just what IS "human nature?"

So many wise-arse comments.  Must...bite...tongue...


"It's tough for fetishists to be Marxists, since 
many of us like our chains."
   ~David Alt