
Culture (was Architecture question for Steve based upon theSun, the Moon &

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Wed Oct 27 15:32:11 PDT 2004

#Tsarren wrote:
#> On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 07:20:05PM -0600, Howard Brazee wrote:
#>> How about the virus?


#Depends upon who's doing the classification.   But let's move to a less
#controversial form, the bacteria.

As long as we're talking about "the virus" and "the polar bear", let's
be consistent and say "the bacterium". "Bacteria" is plural. :-)

-- Dr. Whom, Consulting Linguist, Grammarian,
   Orthoepist, and Philological Busybody
   a.k.a. Mark A. Mandel
   [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

Never argue with a pedant over nomenclature. It wastes your time and
annoys the pedant. -- Lois McMaster Bujold, _Memory_

    "Attack neutral galactic shipping?" yelped Auson. "Do you want to
get us all hung?"
    "Hanged," corrected Thorne, earning an ungrateful glare.
             -- Lois McMaster Bujold, _The Warrior's Apprentice_