
you suck

Bato001 at aol.com Bato001 at aol.com
Mon Dec 6 11:18:53 PST 2004

>But isn't that the point?  Steve tries to,he has >said, write the creature 
>for which he titles the book.  Yendi was >intriguing, Dragon was war-like, 
>and Teckla not only highlighted the trials of the >supressed and exploited 
>working class, but also *was* a trial--it shows us >that sometimes, life can 
>be like an onion.  It can have different layers to >it, and different 
>textures, and that sometimes, like as we can see >in the life of an easterner 
>in Dragaera, or one of the teckla, that 
>there's nothing you can do about it.


John D. Barbato, O.D.