
(Tangent): NaNoWriMo

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Tue Dec 7 21:37:14 PST 2004

Johne Cook <johne.cook at gmail.com> writes:

> NaNo2k4 ended at Midnight a week ago.  I finished up the odds and ends
> for the rough draft, posted links to what I had in .doc and .pdf form,
> and then sat back, waiting for the inevitable responses of "isn't that
> nice" or "well, at least you tried".
> Instead, there was a great silence which I have not known how to
> correctly interpret.  I was afraid that it was so bad that people
> didn't want to bring it up, or worse, it was so pedestrian that people
> weren't able to get into it and simply didn't have the energy to even
> hate it.
> (It's weird, I'm more eager that people like this story (as amateurish
> and as hurried and as rough as it is) than I was that people liked how
> my kids looked when they were born.  "Desperate" may be the more
> accurate word.  It's pathetic how badly I want for people to enjoy
> this story, even though I had very humble expectations going in -
> 'finish on time', 'try not to suck'.)

For me, it's in the queue behind a series reread I'm working through
(Anthony Price) and an unpublished manuscript from a new sweetie.
You're just going to have to wait :-).
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:dd-b at dd-b.net>, <http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/>
RKBA: <http://noguns-nomoney.com/> <http://www.dd-b.net/carry/>
Pics: <http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/> <http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/SnapshotAlbum/>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <http://dragaera.info/>