
SKZB / Swag ideas / cafepress.com Premium shop

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Tue Dec 21 22:05:14 PST 2004

Hi David and others,

So Sethra Lavode is being published in paperback next year and I need
some Lavode stuff...but everything has to be in black...  

So I was looking around cafepress.com and searched for black 
t-shirts and they have a few.  I am wondering if they are sold
only under the Premium shops.  

I would like a black t-shirt (short-sleeve, woman's t-shirt) with 
word "LAVODE" in white on back and "LAVODE" in white on the front
pocket. Website dragaera.info and/or Steven Brust's name on pocket 
and/or back in smaller font.  Or without pocket if necessary.

If possible, "white Dragon's Head and Dzur's Claw"  above word LAVODE.

To make this happen, I am willing to send a check to keep the 
Premium shop running (either $4.99 or the $7.00 David mentioned) for 
1 month.  David, just tell me who to write the check out to and where
to mail it or whatever.

Also need a black book/tote bag similar design or maybe with 
Sethra Lavode written on it. Or a white tote almost all covered
in black.  

To make this happen, I am willing to send a check to keep the 
premium shop running (either $4.99 or the $7.00 David mentioned) for 
1 month. 

Cool tile boxes...just what you need to keep a vial of the blood 
of a goddess in.

Maybe a poster of Stephen Hickman's art from Jhereg cover or Dragon 
cover with Loiosh's name above it.

The black t-shirts that the search brought up did not have a lot of
color in them.  If it was possible, I would like a black t-shirt 
(short-sleeve, woman's t-shirt) with word "Loiosh" above Stephen 
Hickman's artwork from Jhereg and/or Dragon, "Loiosh" and artwork 
on front pocket.  Website dragaera.info and/or Steven Brust's name 
on pocket and/or back in smaller font. If possible, Stephen Hickman's 
name near artwork to show that this was authorized by the artist.

To make this happen, I am willing to send a check to keep the 
premium shop running (either $4.99 or the $7.00 David mentioned) for 
1 month. 

So three months.  Anyone else?   


Linda G.

"white Dragon's Head and Dzur's Claw against black"

Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Eighth, page 103

"The earliest authentic records of Sethra predate the founding of the
Lavodes, and consist of a rough drawing of her device, which appears
to have remained unchanged throughout her life, consisting of white
Dragon's Head and Dzur's Claw against black--unquestionably the 
simplest device in use at the time, and the most unadorned on 
record from any time, saving only the Silver Sword on Black of the
most ancient line of Kieron the Conqueror himself.  In the oldest 
drawings of her device, a motto is shown at the top, but not only
is the language one which no scholar has penetrated, there are even
a few unfamiliar symbols, as if the very alphabet in which it was
written were ancient and forgotten.  This is certainly possible,
and there has been endless speculation on the subject, though
to no conclusion.  Sethra has, by all reports, been silent on the
subject, even to those few who have been close enough to be 
considered her friends."