
SKZB / Swag ideas / cafepress.com Premium shop

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Thu Dec 23 08:44:25 PST 2004

Interesting idea, to have a premium shop just for a few months, to
allow the greater variety of slogans and the additional items like (it
has been said) black shirts.  I'll look into it.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:dd-b at dd-b.net>, <http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/>
RKBA: <http://noguns-nomoney.com/> <http://www.dd-b.net/carry/>
Pics: <http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/> <http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/SnapshotAlbum/>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <http://dragaera.info/>