
Next up in the Vladiad...

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 12 09:37:04 PST 2005

Casey wrote:
> ReVibe68 at aol.com writes     
> > On a side note  ans perhaps WAAAY offf Topic:  Anyone got
> > info on Brusts next tale in the Vladiad?  I'm startin
> > to fiend justttt  a  little.
> He first mentioned working it out in his head in October '02.  In Nov '03,
> he said tentatively that it would be Tiassa and pick up after Issola.  By
> March '04, new ideas were flowing, leading to a change in the working title
> to Dzur.   He hasn't leaked any other specifcs publicly.

I know he's working on it, and though I'm as
impatient as the rest on this list, I've
resolved not to bug him TOO much.  You rush
a miracle, you get a rotten miracle.  And, of
course, one shouldn't rattle a writer's pen-hand, just
as one shouldn't jog a blademan's sword arm.

Though that doesn't mean I won't grumble while
exercising my patience.  Everyone needs a hobby,

If I had to guess, I'd say it will be out this
fall/winter.  No matter when it's out, it's bound
to be great. <grin>


PS-Not sure if this'll go through, as the last couple
I sent I haven't yet seen.  Ah, well.