Hi everyone and Rion, I was not going to mention this addition but maybe it helps. Addition to tsalmoth: "I recommend the tsalmoth in garlic butter." The Book of Jhereg, Jhereg, Chapter 8, page 70 Also on http://dragaera.info/links/ If you click on Phoenix's Steven Brust fan page and click on Those wacky animals. you go to http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/brust/animals.html which list seems mostly the same as http://www.mojoworld.net/sil/treats/dzurlordintro.html except that the tsalmoth entry has the addition of tree-dwelling turtle. 'Tsalmoth: somewhat bearlike (of course, I find it hard to relate this to tree-dwelling turtles) - is known for unpredictability and tenacity.' Does anyone remember Steven Brust ever mentioning tree-dwelling turtles? Do oysters, snails and turtles go with garlic butter? Bye. Linda G. Tsalmoth "Tsalmoth maintains though none knows how". "Loiosh woke up with a start, looked around, and jumped down from my shoulder. He began working on the remains of my tsalmoth ribs" The Book of Jhereg, Jhereg, Chapter 6, page 50 "I recommend the tsalmoth in garlic butter." The Book of Jhereg, Jhereg, Chapter 8, page 70 Internet mentions turtles having ribs, snail shells having ribs and oysters having ribs.