What do you think is the closest Earth substitute for rednuts? "jheregs and found a way to put human-level intelligence into a brain the size of a rednut, but they never put any jhereg genes into Dragaerans." "There, Loiosh. You should feel grateful to the " booksearch chapter jhereg09.html " said Khaavren. "Your injuries," said Pel. "What of them? You know that we soldiers are made rednut wood, and, should our bark be punctured, we may lose a little sap, but we will send " booksearch chapter 500ya27.html "rednut liqueur" book search chapter yendi03.html "At the end of the meal, the host caused to be delivered a large cake made of mulberries and rednuts, topped with boiled fruit and a cream made >from goat's milk. The Phoenix Guards, Chapter the Twenty-second page 253 "Her Majesty seemed oblivious to the discussion, and concentrated all of her attention on a plate of sliced peaches, grapes, and rednuts that had been covered with a decoction of white wine and cinnamon mixed with sugar and sweet cream, all surrounded by tiny blocks of ice carved into the shape of trees. Khaavren, after noting it, turned his eyes firmly away, feeling uncomfortably like the family dog salivating at the bone on his master's plate." Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Eleventh, page 147 "'A few moments only,' said Mario. 'A few moments that I will spend boiling these rednuts in this liqueur before spooning them onto the cold fruit, and eating them before the temperatures have evened out. I suggest, My Lord, you busy yourself in the same way, and, before the bowl of nuts has exhausted itself, well, I believe I will have an answer for you.' This plan was instantly adopted, and Dunaan applied his full attention to the rednuts, the liqueur, and the iced fruit, while Mario thought matters over." Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Nineteenth, page 292. "'The bread,' he remarked after swallowing the first bite, 'is famous, warm as it is, though I admit that the color surprises me, and the cheese produces a sting upon the back of the tongue that I find quite pleasing.' 'I am glad the food pleases you, my lord,' said the pastry chef, who had done himself the honor of serving Khaavren personally, 'for the bread is of my own fashioning, and uses in proportions which are my particular secret, rednuts which have been ground to a powder mixed with wheat flour; it is these that account for the color, as well as the texture. As to the cheese, I can claim no credit save for selecting it. It comes from the vassals of Lord Dunn, and--my lord? Are you well? You seem pale and are pitching most alarmingly, and I beg you to--hullo? My lord? Help, someone! Help! The Captain has been taken ill!'" Five Hundred Years After, Chapter the Twenty-second, page 328