
Overpowering Vlad

Wed Jan 19 10:14:12 PST 2005

...until Aliera or someone felt like healing him.  Yes, it's true, they have 
a GODDESS on their side.  But nevertheless, if the *Jenoine* can't kill 
someone so that it's permanent (without even trying, that is--I'm sure their 
measures to prevent revivification would take a hell of a lot to break 

I mean, Vlad's arm couldn't be touched by either Aliera, Sethra OR Verra 
after that weapon hit him.  But Morrolan, who is *killed*, is able to be 
brought back in time.  I guess Morrolan got really lucky they weren't using 
a fatal version or intensity of the weapon that hit Vlad.  But then, maybe 
Blackwand took preventative measures to ensure that what happened to Vlad 
didn't happen to Morrolan.  And if there's anything that has the best chance 
of successfully doing something against a Jenoine, it's either a Deity or a 

----Original Message Follows----
From: Brother Ike <maitaimaker at yahoo.com>
To: J C <greyw01f at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Spare Copy of Gypsy?
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:07:00 -0800 (PST)

--- J C <greyw01f at hotmail.com> wrote:

 > Issola: Awesome story, but I couldn't help getting worried about Vlad
 > becoming an over-powered character.  I'm sure Steve will find ways to 
 > (reduce) the powers of GS so that he's still vulnerable, thus putting 
 > back to 10.

I occasionally see references to this, and I can't help but thinking that,
well, Morrolan got killt quite nicely despite Blackwand...it just takes more
planning, something that the Jhereg seem to be good at. And to paraphrase
badly, a dagger in the back would still greatly put a downer on Vlad's day.

Yours in snow,

--Brother Ike

Brother Ike
Unix SysAdmin
Have R00T, Will Travel
My thoughts alone...

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