
Rednuts-what do you think is the closest Earth substitute?

Thu Jan 20 10:24:48 PST 2005

>They could also be like walnuts, which are much used in Hungarian
>I don't think anything is ruled out except for coconuts,
>which are bigger than a jhereg's brain.  Well, peanuts don't
>sound right to me in the recipes, but what do I know?

The reference to making a liqueur out of the rednuts is a handy way of
whittling down the Terran possibilities. That pretty much limits the field
to hazelnuts, macadamia, almonds, and much to my own surprise, walnuts.
(http://www.internetwines.com/mb351104.html /

Now, my in my imagination a rednut looks pretty much like a hazelnut or a
macadamia nut but I'm not sure there's any real basis for picturing it that
way. With all the references to cakes and fruit-based desserts I'd say that
walnuts would be every bit as likely as any of the other choices and
probably more likely than some. 

I still like the idea of the hazelnut but I'd give equal credence to the
walnut idea.