
Rednuts-what do you think is the closest Earth substitute?

Fri Jan 21 09:25:46 PST 2005

For what it's worth, peach trees, and so I presume also almonds, bleed 
thick visible sap when wounded--that seems to work, too.


Jot Powers wrote:

>On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 01:13:39AM -0500, FRIEDA2133 at aol.com wrote:
>>" said Khaavren. "Your injuries," said Pel. "What of them? You know that
>>we soldiers are made rednut wood, and, should our bark be punctured, we 
>>may lose a little sap, but we will send "
>This is the only quote that got me thinking "pine nuts".  They
>also work in a lot of foods.  :)
>I still think that almonds (as sent in a private email) are the
>best bet.