
How Karma Works On Dragaera

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Wed Jan 26 19:42:16 PST 2005


Question for Louann somewhere in this post.

Steve Simmons wrote on Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:09:07 -0500 

>Was Subject: Re: Vlad Taltos Lavode/Pregnancy

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 08:59:42AM -0800, Scott Schultz wrote:

>> On souls, the more interesting question is not where Baby V's soul comes
>> from. It's "What will happen to Vlad's soul when he dies?" Will it continue
>> the Karmic cycle as an Eastern soul forevermore? Will it return to the
>> Paths? Some combination where it works off its Karmic burden as an Eastern
>> soul, then returns to the Paths for a proper reincarnation?

Steve Simmons wrote on Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:09:07 -0500 

>We've never seen an Easterner re-incarnated as anything but we
>have seen Dragaerans re-incarned as both Dragaerans and Easterners
>(OK, one Easterner -- but given the small number of reincarnations
>we know of, one is not a disproportionately small number).  And
>we've never seen an Easterner reincarnated as a Dragaeran.

>From the above, I'd assume that karma on Dragaera works like this:

>You're re-incarnated repeatedly as a Dragaeran, accumulating good or
>bad karma along the way.  Eventually you get good enough to be promoted
>to Easterner, and never have to be a Dragaeran again.


I think this is exactly what Vlad is afraid of.  He would probably disagree
with you on the promoted part.  

I think Vlad, "Don't come back, Fenarian" to the Paths of the Dead, is 
scared that when he dies he will become a ghost and that is why he did not
destroy Franz the ghost.  Vlad is worried he could end up just like Franz
and not be able to even turn pages in a paper.  

The Book of Jhereg, Teckla, Chapter 11, pages 418 - 423

Here is a quote you can use if someone says:

"This is really weird."

"No, it isn't.  It's normal.  Everything is normal.  It's just that some 
normal things are weirder than other normal things."

page 421 

Howard Brazee wrote on Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:48:35 -0700 

>We have seen an Easterner be revived from the dead though.   Have we seen  
>one's soul captured in a Great Weapon?

In response Louann Miller wrote Wed, 26 Jan 2005 17:02:41 -0600 

>>On the contrary.

>>Louann, grinning evilly. 

In response Scott Schultz wrote on Wed, 26 Jan 2005 15:18:41 -0800 

> >I admit it, I don't get the gag here. Is this a reference to Vlad having a
> >Dragaeran soul? If so, I don't think that matters. When Vlad was killed by
> >The Sword and The Dagger, didn't he take The Dagger (aka Cawti) out with
> >him? Aliera gave him the choice to revive her or not and he told her to go
> >ahead. That's how I remember things, anyway.

> >If it's a different reference, then pardon my ignorance and please explain.
> >;-)

In response Jot Powers wrote on  Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:56:55 -0700 

>>>It's a typo, and actually something I was thinking about yesterday
>>>that annoys me.

>>>Loraan.  He is killed by Blackwand, and still gets to come back
>>>as Undead.

>>>This annoys me because:

>>>1) It doesn't strike me as something that a Great Weapon should do
>>>2) It doesn't strike me that Morrollan (sp [1]) would want to do
>>>because, after all, Loraan was very uncooperative in giving him
>>>the soul of his cousin (and Adron's daughter)

In response, I write:

Hey Louann, was that you grinning evilly or Loraan?

1 and 2)  "Morrolan's opponent looked at the sword and licked her lips 

    'Don't worry,' said Morrolan.  'It does what I tell it to."
The Book of Taltos, Taltos, Chapter 12, page 120.

Hey, Morrolan said it not she.  I guess he only refers to Blackwand
as a she when he is not around strangers.  

I wonder if Loraan's soul really was kept in a box.  Maybe that was why 
he wanted the staff with the soul in it. So he could figure out how 
to protect his soul from a Morganti weapon. Oh Oh.  Maybe Loraan's 
soul is still around.  

No, I do not want to think that; let's compare screams:  

Vlad throws an enchanted dagger at Loraan.

"I heard a scream from what seemed to be the right direction and then
Morrolan was hauling me up."
"My knife was in his stomach, and there was a large cut, as from a sword,
in his chest, directly over the heart.  He seemed to be rather dead."

The Book of Taltos, Taltos, Chapter 6, pages 62, 63.

"The odd thing was that both of them screamed--first the one who had been
stabbed, then the one who did the stabbing, and they both screamed where
she could hear it more within her mind than in the room, and both screams
went on for a long time."

The Book of Athyra, Athyra, Chapter 17, page 203.

Should there have been two screams...one for the dagger and one for the
cut from Blackwand?  

Maybe Loraan was ready with a spell to protect his soul against 
Blackwand and was too surprised to do the same thing when Savn stabbed
him.  Or it could be the spell would not work if he was undead.

Maybe Vlad could ask Morrolan to ask Blackwand what happened with

On Scott Schultz wrote on Wed, 26 Jan 2005 15:18:41 -0800 
>didn't he take The Dagger (aka Cawti) out with
>him? Aliera gave him the choice to revive her or not and he told her to go
>ahead. That's how I remember things, anyway.

Morrolan killed Cawti.

   "'Which reminds me,' said Morrolan.  'Vlad, I apologize to you.  The
Easterner should not have been able to attack you.  I caused ruptures in 
several of her internal organs, which should have sent her into shock at 
once.  It did not occur to me to continue watching her."

The Book of Jhereg, Yendi, Chapter 7, page 229.

Aliera revivified Cawti because:

"'No," said Cawti.  'The only reason I'm alive is that Norathar refused to
speak to Aliera unless she revivified me.'


Linda G.