
How Karma Works On Dragaera

Wed Jan 26 20:19:20 PST 2005

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 10:42:16PM -0500, FRIEDA2133 at aol.com wrote:


> "The odd thing was that both of them screamed--first the one who had been
> stabbed, then the one who did the stabbing, and they both screamed where
> she could hear it more within her mind than in the room, and both screams
> went on for a long time."
> The Book of Athyra, Athyra, Chapter 17, page 203.
> Should there have been two screams...one for the dagger and one for the
> cut from Blackwand?  

I believe this is one scream from Loraan and one from Savn.  This is
the genesis of Savn's "battle shock".

> Maybe Vlad could ask Morrolan to ask Blackwand what happened with
> Loraan.  

Thinking about it, I think we know of one other example...when either
Blackwand or Pathfinder kill the Sorceress in Green.  We know she
gets to "live".

I thought there was also a quote about Loraan that went along the
lines of

"take it up with Blackwand".

Book search doesn't yield me anything intuitively obvious to the
casual observer, and it is too late for me to do the manual search.  :)

> Morrolan killed Cawti.

This is another excellent point.  We also have to presume that Morrolan
uses Blackwand when he duels...then again, perhaps not...not very sporting.  

>    "'Which reminds me,' said Morrolan.  'Vlad, I apologize to you.  The
> Easterner should not have been able to attack you.  I caused ruptures in 
> several of her internal organs, which should have sent her into shock at 
> once.  It did not occur to me to continue watching her."
> The Book of Jhereg, Yendi, Chapter 7, page 229.
> Aliera revivified Cawti because:
> "'No," said Cawti.  'The only reason I'm alive is that Norathar refused to
> speak to Aliera unless she revivified me.'

It still doesn't explain why the Lords of Judgement let Loraan become
Undead.  It seems to be something in their bailiwick.

Jot Powers 	<books at bofh.com> 		http://www.bofh.com/books/
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