
Chaos Theory

Fri Jan 28 05:36:36 PST 2005

Steve Simmons wrote
>On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 12:29:02AM -0500, FRIEDA2133 at aol.com wrote:
> > Vlad having fever dreams in Athyra:
> >
> >    "'Did someone harness me to a horse and use me as a plow?'
> >    'No.'
> >    'I suspected that was a dream.  Were there three little tiny
> > people standing around me arguing about who got what pieces of my
> > body, and what to do with the rest?'"
>The second half of this (three people arguing about what pieces)
>really rang a bell the first time I read it, but I just can't bring
>it to mind.  Anybody?

Odin and his two brothers killed a giant to make the world; the blood made 
the sea, the bones made the mountains, and so on. Don't know if they argued, 

You also have the three trolls in The Hobbit, who argue about how to cook 
the dwarves, but this isn't about the actual pieces either... :/


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