
Chaos Theory

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Fri Jan 28 05:49:42 PST 2005

On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 02:36:36PM +0100, Martin Wohlert wrote:

> Odin and his two brothers killed a giant to make the world; the blood made 
> the sea, the bones made the mountains, and so on. Don't know if they 
> argued, though.

Thanks, that sounds like it.

> You also have the three trolls in The Hobbit, who argue about how to cook 
> the dwarves, but this isn't about the actual pieces either... :/

Just for sheer atrocity value - did you know Tom Bombadils song:

   Old troll sat on a seat of stone,
   'A mumblin' on an old shin-bone...

works as a talking blues?
"There's a lot of my personality in my characters. I think that's why
 smart-asses are over-represented."
    Christopher Moore, in http://www.chrismoore.com/world_domination.htm