
Defender always wins? (Was: Re: on contradictions and such)

David Rodemaker dar at horusinc.com
Tue Feb 8 14:56:54 PST 2005

> "assuming two opponents of
> equal skill, is there ever an adavantage to attacking first?"
> Anyone care to discuss the question, on any scale?
> Kat

Well, I'd first want you to define attack. I don't study Aikido, but in JKD
we consider attacking in any number of levels or dynamics.

There's controlling range, there's controlling the rhythm of the fight,
there's controlling the tools used in the fight...

Is an attack an active physical action? Or is it a more mental or spiritual
action? Is a feint an attack? Is taking advantage of endurance an attack? Is
an attack meant to cause damage?

Oh, and to answer the question above - assuming equal skill and the same
style/school? If I'm twice as fast and just as strong or even stronger?

Take 'em out.