
Defender always wins? (Was: Re: on contradictions and such)

David Rodemaker dar at horusinc.com
Tue Feb 8 19:22:40 PST 2005

>>> "assuming two opponents of
>>> equal skill, is there ever an adavantage to attacking first?"
>>> Anyone care to discuss the question, on any scale?
>>> Kat
>> Well, I'd first want you to define attack. I don't study Aikido, but
>> in JKD we consider attacking in any number of levels or dynamics.
>Speaking of range - you don't want to be 2nd in a gun-fight.

*chuckle* And my school also has regular firearms classes, plus pepper spray
seminars, and at our school we start stick and knife work at the beginning
along with open hand.

Another funny? At one of the instructor's weddings recently we had an
'action photo' when he was walking around and asking everyone if they were
packing steel. Everyone associated with the martial arts at the wedding
except one person was carrying at least one folding blade on themselves...

