----- Original Message ----- From: "David Rodemaker" <dar at horusinc.com> To: "'Dragaera (E-mail)'" <dragaera at dragaera.info> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 8:22 PM Subject: RE: Defender always wins? (Was: Re: on contradictions and such) > >>> "assuming two opponents of > >>> equal skill, is there ever an adavantage to attacking first?" > >>> > >>> Anyone care to discuss the question, on any scale? > >>> > >>> Kat > >> > >> Well, I'd first want you to define attack. I don't study Aikido, but > >> in JKD we consider attacking in any number of levels or dynamics. > > > >Speaking of range - you don't want to be 2nd in a gun-fight. > > *chuckle* And my school also has regular firearms classes, plus pepper spray > seminars, and at our school we start stick and knife work at the beginning > along with open hand. > > Another funny? At one of the instructor's weddings recently we had an > 'action photo' when he was walking around and asking everyone if they were > packing steel. Everyone associated with the martial arts at the wedding > except one person was carrying at least one folding blade on themselves... > > *wink* > > David > > Heh. I debated on carrying a knife at the last wedding I went to. As I was presiding over it, I decided to leave it with my street cloths. As far as gunfights (in the spaghetti western style) there are two schools of thought that I have heard; take your time and get a good, well aimed shot off, or fire of a quick round in the general direction to rattle your opponent, then fire an aimed shot while he (or she) is checking for new holes. Discuss. Jeff G.