
Defender always wins? (Was: Re: on contradictions and such)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed Feb 9 08:37:26 PST 2005

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 09:24:37 -0500, <MedCat7 at aol.com> wrote:

>> I was given a knife for being Best Man at a wedding.
> I hate not being able to carry my knife at work. I think patients might  
> get a little scared.
> And Howard, do you like your knife? I was thinking of doing that for my  
> finace's best man and ushers.
> -C

I liked it very much.  I have since lost it, but it lasted longer than  
that marriage did.

I have accidentally carried small knifes on airplanes in the last couple  
of years, but usually manage to get them in the non-carry on baggage.    
(Do vultures have carrion luggage?)

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