
Defender always wins? (Was: Re: on contradictions and such)

Wed Feb 9 11:52:54 PST 2005

On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 02:25:59PM -0500, MedCat7 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/9/2005 1:36:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Howard Brazee" <howard at brazee.net> writes:
> >Pocket knives make terrible weapons. ? There's no way one can hijack an ?
> >airplane with one. ? The paranoia that makes them proscribed from ?
> >airplanes is misdirected.
> I thought it was a "box cutter" (razor blade in a protector).

That's what is most widely discussed, yes.  But you don't hijack 
airplanes with what you smuggle on board.  You hijack airplanes 
with *fear* and *hope*.  Fear that you will kill the pilot and 
the passengers if they resist; hope that if they do not resist, 
the plane will land safely and everyone will go home.

So long as we remember 9/11/2001, no one can repeat it.
After the first time, the terrorists can offer only fear... 
never hope.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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