
Time and longitude

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue Feb 15 19:05:09 PST 2005

Martin Wohlert wrote:

>> Then The Empire is about the size of Europe, or roughly 4 million
>> square miles.   China is about 3.7 million square miles and is in
>> one time zone.
> According to my map China is in about 3 time zones (tiny parts
> touching two more).
> That they have a standardized time for the whole country is a very
> different matter.

No, that's exactly what a time zone is.

We standardize clocks to act as though they were all at one longitude, even
though they aren't.  Some places have an hour's worth of standardization -
China has a bigger area.   No substantive difference in these concepts.

There are places around the world where you move into a different time zone
by moving north and south.