
Time and longitude

Wed Feb 16 10:07:05 PST 2005

--- Martin Wohlert <martin_wohlert at hotmail.com> wrote:

> >"Howard Brazee" <howard at brazee.net> wrote:
> >To: "Dragaera (E-mail)" <dragaera at dragaera.info>
> >Subject: RE: Time and longitude
> >Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:01:46 -0700
> >
> >Bryan Newell wrote:
> >
> > > The Intro to Dzurlord -
> > > "The continent on which the Empire rests is roughly the shape of
> > > Europe, but twice the size, and the Empire encompasses (at the
> > > moment) more than half of it."
> >
> >Then The Empire is about the size of Europe, or roughly 4 million
> square
> >miles.   China is about 3.7 million square miles and is in one time
> zone.
> According to my map China is in about 3 time zones (tiny parts touching
> two 
> more).
> That they have a standardized time for the whole country is a very
> different 
> matter.

But it's the matter under discussion.  China is proof that you can
run a country the size of the Empire as one time zone.  The Empire
might work the same way.  (Or, pace Bryan, it might be a lot
longer north-south than east-west, or Dragaera might be a lot
bigger than Earth, or the Empire might have more time zones than

Jerry Friedman

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