
Whip me, Daddy (was Re: Conditioning)

Gomi no Sensei gomi at speakeasy.net
Wed Feb 16 12:00:15 PST 2005

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, John Klein wrote:

> Fair enough. Our two 'mosts' may not overlap there, though.

I think 'most' was an overstatement on my part. Please replace 'many'.

> On the other hand, I have personal knowledge of several members of this
> community who have not been abused, or even severely traumatized, at any
> point in their lives. That's not to say that childhood abuse can't be a
> source of sadistic or masochistic behavior (it would be foolish to deny
> that), simply that I'm not willing to say "all BDSM behavior is based on
> childhood trauma", since counterexamples exist.

Oh, by all means. I never meant to imply a totality. More of a one-way
function -- childhood trauma inclines the child to variant sexual expression,
one avenue of which is BDSM. Other avenues include complete withdrawal
>from the sexual battlefield or enthusiastic, albeit shallow, pursuit
of carnality.

> "All BDSM behavior is
> psychological" is even more difficult. If I like a certain flavor of
> potato chips, is that because my parents got them one time for that really
> great birthday party when I was seven, or because my taste buds happen to
> react well to their components? Or is it even a clear-cut case of
> either/or?

My guess would be 'inclines, but does not compel.'
