
New HHGttG trailer!

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Fri Feb 18 10:43:23 PST 2005

At 10:48 02/18/2005, Casey Rousseau wrote:
> > Getting back on the subject of the list, thats one of the
> > best things I've found about the Dragerea books is that even
> > when one question gets answered, another one shows up.  Or
> > that the series went where it needed to, ...
>As to that, certainly the HHG series went to some fairly strange places, but
>that was half the fun.  Don't forget, this is a series in which the Earth is
>destroyed in the first act of the first novel.

Was it?  I haven't seen the TV or heard the radio versions, but as I 
remember, Arthur Dent returned to Earth, which wasn't destroyed until the 
follow-on novel _So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish_.  Do I misremember?

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net