
Sethra Lavode sightings

Tue Mar 8 04:40:25 PST 2005

So Steve, how does it feel that your books are being pushed by the company that is almost universally accepted as the all-time most evil example of capitalism at its worst?  Instead of trying to manipulate the empire to allow her to invade the east, Sethra the Younger should just invest in Wal-Mart and watch as it uses its low price / union-free formula to conquer the world...

Louann Miller <louann at millerdome.com> wrote:At 12:01 AM 3/8/2005 -0500, FRIEDA2133 at aol.com wrote:
>March, 7, 2005, I have seen Sethra Lavode in Wal-Mart.

What was she buying?

Louann, boggled.