
musing on some stuff "spoilers"

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Mon Mar 14 08:25:59 PST 2005

On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 08:11:17AM -0800, Scott Schultz wrote:

> >-What exactly are Godslayer's abilities? Pathfinder can find anything.
> >Blackwand helps Morrolan with sorcery and witchcraft. All we know is
> >that it has SB's gold phoenix stone properties.
> The Serioli name for Godslayer translates to "Remover of Aspects of
> Divinity". That pretty much sums it up. Godslayer's power is that it can
> make a god completely and permanently dead. (I suppose that technically its
> power is to turn a god into a mortal. That would last about a half-second
> before it ate our hypothetical god's now-mortal soul though, so the
> end-result is the same.) . . .

Well... not necessarily.  We know that the gods, while not mortal as
we understand it, do come and go.  We also know that two of the aspects
(requirements, apparently) of divinity are the ability to manifest in
multiple places at once and being immune to compulsion.  Remove either
of those and the being stabbed is no longer a god.

The Serioli who discusses this is very careful to say that the name is
*not* Godslayer.  IMHO, this means something.
 "History will be kind to me.  I intend to write it."
              -- Winston Churchill