SPOILERS: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 12:07:22 -0800 (PST), S SHafer <shafedog205555-brustfan at yahoo.com> wrote: >Maximilian Wilson <wilson.max at gmail.com> wrote: >> "There's one other [Lavode], but he's [gya's?] not ready yet." > What, are you speculating that Vlad is being trained as Sethra's replacement? That never occurred to me. No, I wonder if Tazendra's story is over. Aerich said, "She had more to do," and if the Lords of Judgement share that opinion she may yet get the chance to do it. I can't remember, though, if the context of the comment in Issola indicates that there's one more Lavode who isn't ready to take part in the battle, or one more person who isn't quite a Lavode. If the latter than Tazendra is not being referred to, since she's already a Lavode. Vlad as Sethra's replacement? Hmmm. Don't we expect her to outlive him by several orders of magnitude? On the other hand, I still have no idea why Sethra watches over him, and I don't know where Vlad is going next with his life. Can't quite see him as a career diplomat... Max Wilson -- something funny