
Sethra Lavode

Wed Mar 16 13:13:45 PST 2005

Maximilian Wilson wrote:

>On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 12:07:22 -0800 (PST), S SHafer
><shafedog205555-brustfan at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Maximilian Wilson <wilson.max at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>"There's one other [Lavode], but he's [gya's?] not ready yet."
>>What, are you speculating that Vlad is being trained as Sethra's replacement?
>That never occurred to me. No, I wonder if Tazendra's story is over.
>Aerich said, "She had more to do," and if the Lords of Judgement share
>that opinion she may yet get the chance to do it. I can't remember,
>though, if the context of the comment in Issola indicates that there's
>one more Lavode who isn't ready to take part in the battle, or one
>more person who isn't quite a Lavode. If the latter than Tazendra is
>not being referred to, since she's already a Lavode.
>Vlad as Sethra's replacement? Hmmm. Don't we expect her to outlive him
>by several orders of magnitude? On the other hand, I still have no
>idea why Sethra watches over him, and I don't know where Vlad is going
>next with his life. Can't quite see him as a career diplomat...
>Max Wilson
i also thought the conversation was referring to Tazendra