> But [Andre Norton's] the only author I've ever felt I've outgrown, too. And the > only author that I've actually pruned some books out of my library. The first three authors I read were Andre Norton, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Robert Heinlein. It's funny that you mention outgrowing Norton, because I gave her up first of those three, but not because I outgrew her... in fact, it was something of the opposite reason. I was about 7 when I started reading her, and my most vivid recollections of her works are from her WitchWorld series. I was too young to know what to make of the "a witch loses her powers if she loses her virginity" and the constant threat of rape and all that occurred in those novels, but that all changed when I was 9 or so. I stumbled across that Golden Classic (tm) "The Flesh Eaters" by L. A. Morse [1], at which point I put down Norton and haven't been back since. Bryan [1] I went googling for this book to make sure I was remembering the title and author correctly, and stumbled across the cover art by Frank Frazetta... it's been nearly 25 years since I last saw this cover, but it looks exactly the way I remember it. That book is seared into me. It's the only book I've ever read I wish I could "unread". http://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?ph=2&bi=434783216