
on spoilers (contains no spoilers)

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Fri Mar 18 07:15:48 PST 2005

Jeff G. asked why I haven't read a few of Steve's 'non-Dragaera' novels yet.

> Why not? Shame on you!.

One aspect of it is that I'm rationing them.  For example, I read Freedom &
Necessity (delightful) a few years back during the lull between Dragon and
Issola.  It seems I can currently wait no more than about 2 years between
new stuff from Steve without getting antsy.  Having early in life developed
a habit of voraciously consuming everything I could lay my hands on from any
author I enjoyed, I've been trying to learn to savor the delights of
shopping for something new on my own bookshelves.  That and the prospect of
going into withdrawal at some point in the future keeps me in happy
anticipation of future reading.  

> The last Brust novel I have to read is the Sun, the Moon,
> and the Stars. I started it once, and it wasn't what I
> needed at the time and set it aside. 

Since this list has become active, I've come close to sitting down with
Agyar once or twice, but the opening page or two didn't grab me hard the one
time I peeked at it.  It will keep for now.  I also may need to read a bit
more in the subgenre to get everything out of this that I want to.   
