If the dragon in Dragon is Devera, that makes for some interesting possibilities, on a temporal basis. First off, we have met 2 dragons in the story line for Dragaera--one in Taltos, in the Paths, and one in Brokedown Palace. There are also 2 in paintings/tapestries in Castle Black and Dzur Mountain, but I would imagine that these are just images, and nothing more, though one never knows what is real and what is not in such places. Both of the live dragons we meet are male, to my knowledge. Am I wrong on this? It makes for a more interesting possibility if I am, so please let me know. However, dragon gender aside, the fact that Devera corporealizes as a Dragon means at least one possible, and very interesting thing---her spirit, from which her body takes form in the transport from the Halls of Judgement (Verra's section) is completely Draconian. When Aliera has her child, fear for the world! hahahahaha Steve could even write in a Morganti weapon called "dragonlance" for her to wield or die on... But that's just stupid, and I'm sorry I mentioned it. I couldn't resist, though. Anyway, do all spirits return to the creatures with whom they were cross-bred? We know Aliera's spirit has certain essences, from Sethra's and Vlad's perceptions of her in the staff in Taltos--but were they sensing a human, or a dragon? These questions are still half-formed--but interesting nonetheless. Jon