
Vlad and the Organization - If, If, If...

Wed Mar 23 10:45:47 PST 2005


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Simmons [mailto:scs at di.org] 
> Sent: 23 March 2005 17:40
> To: Scott Schultz
> Cc: 'Dragaera List'
> Subject: Re: Vlad and the Organization - If, If, If...
> Not responding to any particular comment:
> If Sethra Lavode, the Empress, Morrolan and Aliera announce 
> they will avenge Vlads assasination by wiping the Council and 
> their successors to the third iteration, The Organization 
> will likely swallow hard and agree to leave him alone.
I can see Aliera, Sethra and maybe Morrolan jumping in...but the Empress?
As much as she seems to like Vlad and all, politically I don't think she
could do it.  She might want to, but as she said, The Teckla are the prey of
the Jhereg implying she accepts them and their role as part of the Empire.
So could she go meddling in what is an internal house matter?  She could
maybe suggest it might be unwise to keep going after him, but that's all.

